Thursday, July 19, 2012

showered with love

Well it's official. I have seriously been slacking on the blog department, but it's all for good reason. We have been sifting through boxes trying to get this house in order for baby boy to arrive. We have been entertaining and hosting friends for the past few weekends which has been so much fun. Oh yah and we've actually been working too. Lol. Did I mention I am 37 weeks pregnant now? Needless to say the life of Gregg and Kate seems to be getting busier and busier and has no signs of slowing down any time soon.

In the past few weekends we've done so much. One of the most important events was my amazing bridal shower. My mom hosted a glorious shower at one of our favorite resturants Karen's that we often go to for brunch. Some of my closest girlfriends flew up for the weekend and spent some quality days hanging out in sunny Sacramento. I still feel so lucky that they came and 'showered' me with their time, love and attention.  Below are some beautiful pictures that the girls captured:

my beautiful cake that matched my invite

a collage of one of the greatest weekends ever

I was lucky enough to have my Sarah Wara join me for a few days earlier than the shower to help me with things around the house, run errands with me and basically just keep me company - I LOVED it and wished she lived near me. While I was getting dressed in my room she told me to stop what I was doing and just stand there and hold my belly. I knew she was taking a picture but had no idea it would turn out THIS good. She is such a professional is the image she captured below! Talk about a perfect kodak moment!

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