Wednesday, February 1, 2012

hooray for a heartbeat!

There is truly something incredible about hearing your baby’s heartbeat for the first time. As first time parents there is so much ‘unknown’ that goes into this crazy world of parenting and it starts as early as conception! Gregg and I were excited for our 2nd prenatal appointment mostly because we would get to hear this little baby’s heartbeat. Dr. N came in and said hi quickly, she immediately poured ‘goop’ on my belly and used this little wand which is more formally known as a fetal heart monitor to move around on my belly. Waiting….waiting and then finally she mouthed to me "that's your baby's heartbeat".....I listened closely and heard something that truly sounded like a heavy man’s breathing at a very quick pace….haha wait what? Funny enough, both Gregg and I associated our beautiful baby’s heartbeat with the sound of a man who was heavily breathing at a quick pace. Pretty funny if you ask me. Dr. N got a kick out of that reaction and said to us both "you guys are going to be fun parents, I can tell!" Regardless it was a sound we could have heard for hours. So beautiful, so strong were the words Dr. N used.....she said we were right on track and it sounded perfect. Sigh, music to a new mother's ears yet again. Our peanut or kumquat is doing SO GOOD inside my belly!

1 comment:

Mejia Mamma said...

how fast was the heartbeat?!!! do you remember the # the doc told you?