Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Sometimes when you're nearing the end of a quarter in sales everyone starts to get a little loopy with all the pressure that's been builiding up over the last 3 months. We had a fun little picture day at work complete with hints and gifts that we got to "grab" based on how many tickets we had submitted. (Each ticket was given based on the type of 'order' you got in). Here are the pictures below:
ha ha we are a little silly

some fun examples!
can you guess what this was?
the boys of LG
the lovely loree and me!

I was lucky enough to win an envelope that lets me sleep in 2 hours any day I was called "morning snooze" AND I won the Jackpot money which was $100! Yahoo! I was happy because I had submitted 101 tickets. :)

1 comment:

Mejia Mamma said...

Kate I love your cuteness, that outfit together is so you, miss you!!!