Thursday, March 4, 2010

One last round of KO

Working at Websense pretty much feels like one big family. Which is pretty much the greatest thing ever. I have worked with some of these individuals for 3 years straight, a pretty remarkable fact. Since this was going to be my last day at the office having a work lunch we had to go to KO better yet known as Knock Out Pizza. Now this probably isn't the most AMAZING pizza in the world but it's pretty darn good and the lunch special is the greatest. Two slices and a drink! What could be better than that?

Naturally I had to document every last event that I did in San Diego! This is definitely one of my most favorite pictures. Knowing that I have such great people to work with makes Websense all the more great. The best part about this lunch is that even though this was technically a "work" lunch it really felt like a little family outing. Love those 'sensers'!

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