Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Hill of Apples

If you live in the Sacramento area then you've definitely heard of a small little something called Apple Hill. It is a little gem just past Auburn that is tucked away among lots of big green trees, windy roads and lots of land. I ALWAYS enjoy apple hill especially becuase of all of the apple-like treats. So much yummy goodness, I mean who wouldn't want a warm apple crumb donut paired with some apple cider that's been spiked with apple wine?? Let's be realistic here! This year our first trip up was with our FCCF Family. We had so much fun testing out all of the apple beers and buying LOTS of pies and treats.
yaaay for our FCCF family
the girls
*the boys

*We had a special visitor stay with all all weekend. RY GUY! Love this kid!

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